(not quite) a literary journal


Post Babel, by Corey Neal

post babel.jpg

In the beginning was the Word.
In the beginning was 
In the beginning was the Word;

Or before that—

In the beginning was before that,
the Word was before that.
In the Word was the beginning;

Or before that—

Before the Word beginning was the word
Beginning, and before the word beginning
was the Word beginning the Word beginning;

Or before that—

Matthew, Mark, Luke, Anon,
Logos scribing logos
on a stony ancient wall;

Or before that—

Before Word, Logos
and before Logos just Word
Beyond Word, God beyond God;

Or before that—

You woke at half-sun, half-moon,
newborn tongue half-loon, cusp
constellation half-June, half-May

Or before that—

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Corey Neal, poetrySybil Journal